Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Creativity, Elbow Grease, and Some Old Boxes

I really need to take the time to put some pictures on here. Having a limited budget really can make life hard some times. But Lately I've been recycling old cardboard by building stuff.

No we're not living in boxes. I'm not sitting on or eating off of cardboard (ye-uck). I have built a number of can rotation bins for my canned goods. I'll have to link to the originals later. I've modified the original pattern to fit my shelves and they are awesome! Simon loves to pull the cans out and put them in the top.

For Elisabeth, I built a cabinet to go with her stove Daddy made, complete with silverware drawer. It's pretty cool - it'll be better after I make it so the door closes. She loves it and actually (believe me, it's true!) puts her toy food and dishes away!!!!

So today, after buying some toothpaste and shampoo on sale, but not yet needing it, I decided I need someplace to store it. I built a shelf and "drawer" for the under-sink cabinet in my bathroom. I still need to paint it, but I think it's so-o-o-o cool!

Yes, I know I need help; if you don't know that by now then you don't know me.

But seriously, I could easily spend $100 or more on what has cost me about $5 in good wood glue and my own labor. Brent has brought most of the cardboard home from work (his boss thinks I'm weird, too). Isn't that a much better use of my time than playing some computer game? The best part is my four-year old trying to help me and build her own things right next to me. She even helped paint her cabinet. Sometimes, I am frustrated with her help, but I'm glad she's learning.

I have been blessed with a great imagination; I am glad that I have a constructive way to put it to use (subtle pun). The many ways the Lord has blessed me is astounding, and I am frequently amazed by the variety. Now, I just need to put them back into His service.

Arts and Crafts at my house, anyone?

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