Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Creativity, Elbow Grease, and Some Old Boxes

I really need to take the time to put some pictures on here. Having a limited budget really can make life hard some times. But Lately I've been recycling old cardboard by building stuff.

No we're not living in boxes. I'm not sitting on or eating off of cardboard (ye-uck). I have built a number of can rotation bins for my canned goods. I'll have to link to the originals later. I've modified the original pattern to fit my shelves and they are awesome! Simon loves to pull the cans out and put them in the top.

For Elisabeth, I built a cabinet to go with her stove Daddy made, complete with silverware drawer. It's pretty cool - it'll be better after I make it so the door closes. She loves it and actually (believe me, it's true!) puts her toy food and dishes away!!!!

So today, after buying some toothpaste and shampoo on sale, but not yet needing it, I decided I need someplace to store it. I built a shelf and "drawer" for the under-sink cabinet in my bathroom. I still need to paint it, but I think it's so-o-o-o cool!

Yes, I know I need help; if you don't know that by now then you don't know me.

But seriously, I could easily spend $100 or more on what has cost me about $5 in good wood glue and my own labor. Brent has brought most of the cardboard home from work (his boss thinks I'm weird, too). Isn't that a much better use of my time than playing some computer game? The best part is my four-year old trying to help me and build her own things right next to me. She even helped paint her cabinet. Sometimes, I am frustrated with her help, but I'm glad she's learning.

I have been blessed with a great imagination; I am glad that I have a constructive way to put it to use (subtle pun). The many ways the Lord has blessed me is astounding, and I am frequently amazed by the variety. Now, I just need to put them back into His service.

Arts and Crafts at my house, anyone?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

No Comparison

Life can be really hard sometimes, especially if we start comparing ourselves to others. It's easy to forget the blessings we have. I was just reading a post from The Frugal Find blog (This post). I understand the need for help to provide when times get tough, but seeing just how much more some people have for basic necessities was upsetting.

But then I have to look at my blessings. My husband works hard, and we don't need help to make ends meet. He is an amazing man. He helps around the house and spends time with our children. He is also very supportive and understanding. I wish more people could have spouses like him.

We have six beautiful children. Life may be tough and at times very tight, but we support them ourselves. They are intelligent kids. They sure complain about having to help around the house, but they are learning to work. Watching them learn and grow and become who they will be is fulfilling. I wish more people could feel those accomplishments.

My parents were amazing. Sure, there are things I think they could have done differently or better, but they did teach me to work hard and to be responsible. They taught me to plan and to budget. I learned to put needs before wants. But they also taught me to enjoy life. They still teach me so much and have been one of the greatest examples in my life. I wish more parents were like them.

I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. I know he is my Savior and wants me to become the most I am capable of becoming. I know he'll help me achieve that by turning my weaknesses in to strengths. And he provides the path to change my life, to fix my mistakes and become a better me. He paid a great price for me. It doesn't really matter how much others do, believe, receive, or achieve. I'm not them and they aren't me. God loves me for who I am. I know that. I wish more people could have this comfort.

I'm very blessed to be me. I have a great life. My life is beautiful. I have a lot that others do not. When all is said and done, it's upsetting that more people can't experience the joy I know, because I truly have been blessed with the basic necessities of life.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas is coming

I love this time of year. It helps put my life back on track. A wonderful time of year when I can reflect on where I am at in my personal development, where I have come from and where I am going.

I am really enjoying the Christmas music right now. I've been doing music for various church functions, mostly accompaniment. I'm also listening to as much variety as I can get. At the moment it's "O Holy Night." I love Christmas music; it is rich and varied and heartfelt.

But the best has been the one I got to sing. I was asked to sing in a duet "He Sent His Son" words by Mabel Jones Gabbott that just say so much.

How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?
He sent his Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness.
How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go?
He sent his son to walk with men on earth, that we may know.
How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death?
He sent his Son to die for us and rise with living breath.
What does the Father ask of us? What do the scriptures say?
Have faith, have hope, live like his Son, help others on their way.

What does he ask? Live like his Son.

The greatest blessing I have is my testimony that Jesus Christ lives. He is my Savior. He knows me and loves me. He is sad when I make mistakes and rejoices when I follow Him. He wants me to be the best I can. And He is the greatest gift I have ever been or will ever be given. God gave his Son to me to teach me, to help me understand, and to save me from my weaknesses. And all that He asks is that I follow his Son's example. That is the most profound blessing of all.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tired, But Blessed

I haven't posted much of late. My number one problem right now is a serious lack of sleep. It's been over 16 months since I've had good sleep on a regular basis. In spite of that, life is good. My children are growing and healthy. I think their testimonies of Christ are also growing. They're doing pretty well in school, and my second daughter has been released from the special education program because of her success over the last three years!!

My husband has been working hard as ward mission leader to help spread the Gospel, and we have seen a number of families blessed the past few months. One of those families is my friends. Her husband has been baptized after investigating for a long time. He's a great guy, and Christ will only help their family become better.

I am still loving my calling. The primary is awesome!

General Conference was amazing this fall. It's always a blessing to hear from the Lord's servants, but I got so much more out of the talks this time. Wow!! That's the best word to describe my feelings. Just, "Wow!"
Stake Conference was very good, too. The adult session was about accepting the atonement of Christ into our lives, that it can bless all of our lives. And "enduring to the end" is to be a joyful experience. Sunday morning was about how God wants us to be happy here on earth, and it is through the atonement that we can have that joy. We also find joy through sharing the Gospel with others so that they may also have joy in the atonement. Wow!

I am very tired of being tired, but I suppose I can bear that burden for a little longer. After all, it doesn't begin to balance out the beautiful blessings in my life right now.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Prophet and Personal Revelation

This morning I was reading a friend's blog. Although she is also Christian, we are not of the same faith. She has been filtering through various Christian teachings looking for the good teachings to help her draw nearer to Christ; she is such a great example to me.

In the replies to her post there was a debate going on concerning trust in God, letting Him control the outcome. The subject was one of life or death; risk a mother's life on the faint hope an ectopic pregnancy might prove viable or sacrifice the babe to preserve a mother who can bear other fruit and raise them to the Lord. One side was adamantly in condemnation; their insistence: Do nothing, but trust God, prayerfully, and hope for His miracle. The other side was more moderate: Trust God, accept the gifts of knowledge and technology as the miracle and let God guide their choice.

I am so grateful we have a prophet on Earth today. Their is no need to try to interpret God's word because He instructs His mouthpiece here with all we need to know and understand. God is one of mercy and He knows what His children need. He has caused technology to become what it is now for His own purpose. In the medical field, He has guided the minds of many researchers and the hands of many surgeons to improve our lives for the purpose of allowing us to teach others of His goodness and mercy.

But their comes a time when choices must be made. While God wants all of us to join Him in His kingdom, we cannot all take the same path to get there; we go through different trials because we are different. Some of us must abide poverty, others riches, others persecution; some of us must struggle with health or physical or mental disabilities; some of us endure childlessness or are not blessed with marriage, or there may be marital discord. No matter what our challenges are, God can help us turn all of them to our benefit. To help guide us we have the scriptures, we have a prophet, but to guide us in minute ways our Heavenly Father has given us the gift of personal revelation. If we seek to know God's will, with the intent to bend our will to His, He will make it known to us.

I have seen the Lord's guiding hand many times in my life. Many decisions He made for me, things happened or fell in place and I have been greatly blessed by them. But sometimes my action has been required. I would gladly take that first step and trust the Lord if just knew which direction. I have prayed for that guidance, the Spirit has helped me to know which way to go, and I have walked not knowing where I was going, but knowing it was where my Heavenly Father wanted me to go. Those paths have always led to the sweetest blessings.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Late Father's Day

So, a speaker on Sunday got me thinking of how often I speak with my dad. We're not a very communicative family; I tend to go some time without speaking to anyone but my sister who is the communicative hub. Yet, I think often of my parents and siblings and their influence in my life. Nearly everyday, I think of something that my parents taught me, some way that they have influenced my choices and behaviors, and I am grateful for what they passed on to me.

Sunday evening, I called my dad and thanked him for his example, for everything he taught me. I just hope I can teach our children as well as my parents did. There were things they could have done better, but I feel I have been so much better prepared for the challenges of life than many around me. They may not have been perfect parents, but they have been very good ones. I am so thankful Heavenly Father blessed me with them.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

New Calling!

I'm so excited! They called a new Relief Society Presidency in our ward, so I'm no longer the education counselor. I am now the Primary pianist!

I am REALLY going to miss the sisters in Relief Society, or at least my regular interaction with them. I have learned and grown so much in the last two and a half years. I love the sisters in our ward so much, and I've loved being a support for them, a tool in their learning. We have such wonderful sisters in our ward, and I've worked hard to help them know that God loves them. Watching their testimonies develop and grow has been a blessing.

But now I am back with the kids! I really wanted to be the pianist again, but I didn't dare hope I would be called here, now! The primary music is so wonderful, and teaches the principles of Christ's gospel in such a special way. I'll be working with some pretty special sisters, still, but with less demanding responsibilities. I get to help teach the children!

I have been dancing and grinning most of the day. I have never been so excited about a calling. I think it's the Lord's way of telling me the time for this change is right. I am thankful for the opportunity I have to serve in the Lord's church. No, I am thankful for the BLESSING I have to serve in the Lord's church. How else could I show Him how thankful I am for all he has done for me?